Find your flow with The Floathouse and The Yoga Post! Superb equipment AND instruction is yours for an hour and a half. Join us for Wednesday Night SUP Yoga, a friendly come-as-you-are evening experience, including a short paddle, an anchored series of poses on sturdy, anchored solid stand up paddle boards. Commune with your community and nature as the sun goes down! Designed for folks at every level, from complete beginner to seasoned yogi. Finish the day with a guided savasana meditation on the gentle waters of Petaluma’s Longest Park, the Petaluma River. Modifications allow for everyone to have a great time on the water. Sign up on The Yoga Post’s schedule page or the MINDBODY app. The cost is $45 for non-members, $25 for Yoga Post members. Includes board and anchor rental, and instruction. Max 10 participants.
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