This event is sold out. Please sign up for the next one!
Come enjoy the Blue Moon Supermoon with us! Meet at The Floathouse docks and we’ll outfit you in single and tandem sit-on-top kayaks and glowsticks (You can also bring your own LED low lighting if you wish.) We’ll guide you downriver for a bit, then paddle back to catch the massive moonrise on the river’s most peaceful moon-viewing location. Event fills at 20 guests. Book here!
$45.00 cost includes rental, PFD, and guided tour.
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, “The August 30-31 supermoon will be the closest, biggest, and brightest full supermoon of 2023. It’s exceptionally close in Moon miles from Earth (222,043 miles). The next time we’ll have a closer full supermoon is November 5, 2025, when the moon lies 221,817 miles from Earth.”